Buds Digest 011 / edible moments with…

Dylan Adler


Photographed by JASON RODGERS


Electric performer and multimedia thinker, CELESTE, takes us to the streets for a colorful and out-of-this-world edition of Edible Moments. The devilish, unmistakable diva dishes kisses and cool calm against some of Buds’ most tantalizing cross-examinations.


“I would love to get stoned with the iconic Charo.”



Where do you want to be in an hour?


Hopefully masturbating to my favorite Twitter porn stars. Cody Seiya :)



Boxers or briefs:

BRIEFS ALL THE WAY. Boxers are for middle school boys who are afraid of being called gay in the locker room (me). Because eventually you’ll grow up, become gay, and then you’ll want to wear cute short shorts. But then your boxers will be longer than your short shorts and they will end up poking out through your short shorts which will confuse your friends and the general public. Then you will have to go to Macy’s on 34th Street and buy a 12-pack of Calvin Klein underwear. Just go with underwear, honey.



Describe your first kiss?

My first kiss was with my best friend Tanya in the 5th grade. She was sleeping over at me and my gay twin brother's house and proposed we play truth or dare.

She dared me to kiss her and I was really nervous and was stalling for a while. Eventually, my gay twin got impatient and yelled at me saying “JUST KISS HER ALREADY BITCH”. So then I did. It was honestly a nice and innocent first kiss lol.



How does cannabis affect the creative mind?


Cannabis affects the creative mind in that it often releases inhibitions and silences the inner critic which causes more ideas to flow out.

I will sometimes end up recording an hour-long voice memo of potential jokes, songs, and artistic insights and then find it the next morning realizing nothing I said made sense.



Favorite album to get stoned to?

Sesame Street 25th Anniversary Album. This is fully real.